Tag Archives: Taliban

Stoning the Culprit

At least 80 children killed in Army Public School, Peshawar by TTP, Dec 16. 2014
At least 80 children killed in Army Public School, Peshawar by TTP, Dec 16. 2014

Treacherous & Terrorist People (TTP)!!!

Although terrorism has no religion in Quran or any holy books. I would have understood your rage and fury, if you had attacked embassies or consulates of US or UK or whoever. But today, attacking a school in Peshawar and killing at least 80 children is beyond my understanding and clearly proves that the weapons are in wrong hands and terrorism is spread not by the one who were victim of some holocaust but by the maniacs and mentally retarded earthlings who had lost their purpose of breathing once they were unluckily born.

I am sure this school wasn’t promoting nudity, alcohol, prostitution, homosexuality etc to motivate your so-called jihad. Nor these children were assigned to play role of a spy or covert to catch you. You weird creatures have already registered Pakistan’s name in latest Guinness Book of World Records as ‘Country with Most Terror Attacks’.

I am struggling to understand your purpose now. Whether you want to spread the message of Allah which you and your friends (ISIS) have brutally failed or want to challenge the superpowers specifically the US and their allies by hmm *thinking* killing your own???

We Muslims are taught in Quran that killing a human is indeed killing of humanity and saving a soul is indeed saving of humanity: 


Quran - Chapter 5 Verse 32
Quran – Chapter 5 Verse 32

You may check any translation by any translator in any language in any country of this Quranic verse. I bet I will join your justice league if the translation motivates you towards terrorism.

At one more place in Quran, Allah speak some points of prohibition where he stops us associating anything with Him, obeying our parents, not killing children due to poverty and avoiding immoralities, and last of all, commanding not to kill the one to whom Allah has forbidden:


Quran - Chapter 6 Verse 151
Quran – Chapter 6 Verse 151

What book are you following guys??? Which God and religion are you twittering??? Your actions are contrary to the teachings of Quran. This wasn’t even a thought of our last messenger Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. who was profusely gashed and bled by rocks and stones threw by the children of Taif and he still prayed for them. 

So do me a favor… Go back in your hives and caves, read Quran again, then drop your weapons and repent, ask for forgiveness to Allah and give your hands to the lawmaker who will decide your fate by court of Islamic law. If you want to stay coward, slaughter humans, spread terrorism, motivate hate towards Islam and Muslims among the earthlings, then please use your weapon on yourself and honor the humanity. In both ways, you will save the entire humanity.

There would have been no destruction, no threat, no downfall, no holocaust, no crime, no sin, no racial abuse, no hate, no misunderstanding, no uprising, no riots by terrorists belonging from any faith or religion only only only if they had followed their book.

                                                          I AM SAMI NAIK


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