Tag Archives: Tom Holland

Film Review: Spider-Man No Way Home (2021)

After Peter‘s identity is revealed and is framed for the drone attack and Mysterio‘s death, Peter struggles to escape from the backlashes and overcome the damage of his being the main reason behind terrorizing the city. When he seeks help from Strange, he casts a spell for good. But the spell is corrupted due to Peter’s repeated interference that leads to opening doors for people from other universes.

I think it was a fantastic plot and the continuity of the never-ending ever-growing universe has met strong parallels. The concept of multiverses will go further wide that is certain to happen in Doctor Strange’s upcoming sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. But my reason for the plot being really impressive has to do with the characterization of New York’s friendly neighbor. Whatever happened to New York in this film was because Peter couldn’t tolerate the revelation of his identity. The consequences were strong. But Peter made the mess by corrupting Strange’s spell. After all, Peter is a boy, he is not mature. If you notice, he has always needed support from the others in this universe, majorly from Tony Stark. He was Peter’s godfather and after all the support Peter got, Tony died and re-orphaned him. Peter also got the support of Nick Fury and took Mysterio as a crime-fighting partner. In this film, Murdock saved his ass from the charges.

If Peter was mature, he would have faced the consequences after the revelation. He would have never come to Sanctum Sanctorium. Strange further squeezed Peter’s childishness when he couldn’t believe that he didn’t even ‘convince them’ and reached for his help without making an effort. It was a very funny scene and I hit my palm on my forehead but simultaneously that is what Peter Parker in a human was best picturized all this time. After this film, there is no argument about who the best spidey is. Tom Holland‘s Spider-Man is the most ideal portrayal of all time.

At the same time, I was also met with surprises for the wrong reasons. One critical angle that is downplayed is Doctor Strange. Being the new leader of this universe and literally the one who holds the fate of the world by sorcery, how can he ever think of brainwashing the entire world just to make people forget that Peter is Spidey? How come Strange didn’t believe in the critical consequences of what he was attempting? I know it was too funny that he was wandering in the Grand Canyon for half a day. But why? How come he doesn’t have the power to open a portal and return? I don’t have knowledge if that ancient relic was the only support Strange had.

Peter escaping from charges at the start had zero potential to give a dark outcome and face trials and wait for the answers of his non-committed crimes. Director Jon Watts could have given us a gripping segment of his worst phase with all doors closing to his heroism. But all those moments were skipped with Murdock’s one call and Peter all of a sudden goes clean. Murdock’s character would have made more rounds instead of a cameo if we had that difficult phase for at least thirty minutes. All the hype that was built in the end credits of Spidey’s previous chapter met hardly ten minutes.

It was exciting to see all those major villains of the previous Spidey films but their characters and villainous elements were toned down. They looked humble and generous to respond to Spidey and agree for help. Those bad guys were all together and could have easily invaded the city. But Peter taking them to his home looked extremely flat and non-sensical. How can Peter be that dumb and not understand that believing your enemies to help you is straight foolishness? He believed his instincts so much that he decided to snatch the relic from Strange and help the villains?

With the arrival of both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as the Spideys of the other universes, the entertainment doubled and also gave us the chance to see them together. I liked the onscreen chemistry that was built between the three. The screenwriting on them was wonderful and heart-touching. It was absolutely fun to watch them trying to understand each other. What an exciting moment that was when Garfield’s Spider-Man saves MJ.

No Way Home has plot issues but also has one of the best continuities of the universe. The film carries too much forced-comedy that tears the thick lines of the writing in the first half but the film also gave us the moments that were essential to make a superhero film genuine like Peter’s character development that I wrote in length above, the chemistry of three Spideys, Aunt May‘s death, Peter-MJ final moments at Liberty and then in the shop.

What is Tom’s Peter’s future in MCU now? There is every possibility that Tom’s Peter will return in the future. If Tobey at 46 and Garfield at 38 can return with an idea, so can Tom who is just 25. Kevin Feige should put a brake on this Peter for some years and introduce Miles Morales. Miles will be heavily inspired by Peter’s heroics and become like him just like Clint‘s inspiration on Kate in Hawkeye. I will ask for Miles’ introduction in a separate Disney+ show where Tom can appear for a minor supporting role.

Spider-Man: No Way Home is a superb entertainer and has moved in the right direction.

Ratings: 8.3/10

Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Captain America: Civil ͏Wa͏r is a critical game-changer in Marvel Cinematic Universe and will have a lot of impact in Phase-III movies, most specifically Russo brothers‘ next project Avengers: Infinity War.
The best aspect about the movie is despite being 150 minutes of running time, there still is a lot of room for breathing for numerous casts, parting their stories city-by-city and connecting and assembling in a proper way. There is a spectacular balance of entertainment, humor and seriousness of plot and its sub-plots.
In Civil War the viewer will witness heavy intros of Daniel Brühl as mysterious Baron Zemo, Martin Freeman as Everett Ross, Marisa Tomei as gorgeous Aunt May (cameo), Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther and Tom Holland as Spider-Man as well as restoring William Hurt with his character of Thunderbolt Ross after long hiatus. And all newcomers have given their decent shots within a certain amount of their screen-times.
Much awaited Civil War movie was highly billed for Stark/Cap rivalry but to be perfectly honest with the review-readers, it was more about Bucky/Cap eternal friendship.
As far as original comics storyline is concerned, the accuracy is below average because a lot of characters are not introduced in MCU and their plots are precisely neglected. The Superhuman Registration Act in original story is replaced by Sokovia Accords, a bill produced by UN and signed by 117 countries. Spiderman’s significance from original story is heavily reduced as well as Baron Zemo is cleverly added in the movie with superb amount of suspense.
At the very same time, presenting a different Civil War then the highly critical-acclaimed comic book story of the same name will exaggerate some logic behind passing the Sokovia Accords bill. As the US government put a blame on team Avengers for significant damages and deaths occurred in the major events while fighting Loki and Ultron, non-super human brains will fail to understand why Ultron creator Tony Stark is not sentenced for life in first place? Why isn’t Scarlet Witch imprisoned for assisting Ultron in that case? Highly unreal for any sensible govt or powerful authority to produce a bill to limit their powers and recruit them among the ranks instead of catch and imprison them for all the damages and casualties and fight against them in court for justice.
Another brainless event is the highly billed circus show – the 6 man tag team match in airport. Although the movie easily offers one of the best action sequences and almost all the fights are well-choreographed. No matter how much the viewers including myself will laugh, enjoy and get pure entertainment from this almost 10-minute combat but commonsense will fail to understand the highly expected serious intensity of life-and-death fight between hashtags TeamStark and TeamCap turning into series of jokes and apologies while punching each other. Stark’s bringing unskilled combatant schoolboy Peter Parker for his acrobatic and web-sticking skills in this mission itself is the destruction of commonsense. Oh yes one more thing, that airport was empty. *FFS*
A more sensible fighting sequence is the last epic combat between Bucky/Cap and Stark which is full of fury and merciless.
Overall, Cap’s third installment is overall the best MCU movie after Winter Soldier. Among all the intros, my pick is Black Panther. Being the most important movie in MCU for all future movies, the story will forward towards anticipated promises. The conclusions are the beginnings as this universe is a never-ending saga towards long journey expanding to their Phase-IV.
Ratings: 7.8/10
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