Tag Archives: wyatt russell

TV Review: Monarch – Legacy of Monsters


Two Japanese half-siblings Cate and Kentaro search for their missing father Hiroshi who was working for Monarch. Monarch is a covert organization that was built in the 1940s to monitor and study Kaijus called ‘Titans’. Kaiju is a Japanese word for a giant monster. It was Monarch who discovered Gojira, the original name of the globally popular monster, Godzilla.

The reason for highlighting the Japanese references is to acknowledge the Japanese legacy, that was built by the entertainment company Toho, for their science fiction films that introduced several kaijus that later established a universal fanbase. Toho’s Kaiju films are mostly centered around their Big Five who are Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Mechagodzilla.


In all honesty, the human arcs have been dragged in the four Monsterverse films so far. A lot of screen-time were spent to value the human assistance in relation to these monsters. In the films based on creatures, the human connection looks bizarre because eventually, the humans with all the given science do not stand any chance to survive the wrath of these monsters. So what’s the point of shooting their scenes and introducing so many humans?

The reason for stating all this to the readers is to explain why this Ápple TV+ series is so important for those who are fond of watching these monsters. Because ‘Monarch’ is the only acceptable human angle in the world of Monsterverse.

This show completes the Monsterverse. A continuity of this cinematic universe that was questionable at some point between the four films will be cleared by watching this 10-episode series. The discoveries and developments that resulted in bombing Godzilla in Bikini Atoll are all in this show.

Monarch is run in two different timelines. The old age reflects on the trinity of scientists, Keiko and Bill, and an army officer Lee representing Monarch making groundbreaking efforts in their research. Whereas the half-siblings and a hacking friend May in the new age tries to uncover the mysteries of the secret organization.



In the middle of the series, I was irritated at the screenplay losing its direction and the show’s core purpose. In both timelines, the writers began to emphasize on their love angles. The old age trinity became a love triangle and much time was spent on Keiko’s relation with Bill and Lee. On the other hand, Kentaro and May were in relation whereas Cate turned out to be a lesbian who cheated on her girlfriend.

I understand that growing and developing the character in a television series is a must. But all this character work had zero value because their love stories contribute nothing to the main plot. So for quite some time, Monarch became some teenage crybaby drama and their romantic arcs ruined the show. During all this, Monarch missed the chance for not offering much action sequences between the monsters.


One factor that I really liked about the series was Kurt Russell and Wyatt Russell playing the old and young versions of officer Lee Shaw. For dramatizing in different timelines, the involvement of the real father and son serves the purpose. I have no knowledge if Monarch has won the audience and the critics but if this series has survived, that is because of them. Their lively presence particularly Kurt’s is the reason why the continuity in the new age become very interesting.

Surely everyone were confused like me over Kurt’s character being a 90-year-old because obviously he looks too young for a nonagenarian. At first, I thought the makers compromised and ignored the personification of a man in an advanced age for the sake of hyping the involvement of the Russells but it was a relief that it was part of the story. I am impressed with Wyatt’s execution of the character. I feel sorry for him for all the backlash he had for being Captain America. If you observe, he is a fine actor.


Easily, the season finale was my favorite and the saviour of the show’s efficacy. All the reunions were well-performed. Monarch is an important development between all the four films and cannot be ignored.



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